Client Challenge: The analytical needs of an environmental management of a former DOE uranium enrichment facility including demolition/disposal spans from routine and repetitive need to rapid responses to unknowns or unpredicted events to consulting on a variety of technical, treatability or classified challenges.
MCLinc Approach: MCLinc’s broad array of instruments, analytical capabilities, and trained and experienced staff permits MCLinc to provide value-added and timely support to all aspects of the Client’s operations.
Examples include: industrial hygiene support, including asbestos analysis; uranium and isotopic related analyses in all medias; identification of unknowns gases, liquids and solids; permit driven water and wastewater monitoring and compliance; analysis of wastes to ensure compliance with waste acceptance criteria to ship off site; classified support that may be a subset of all other categories of support; and rapid response to address any unplanned or unexpected events.
Outcome: Due to MCLinc’s timely and knowledgeable support, the Client is able to focus on operations knowing they have quality and timely analytical support from MCLinc. The Client is able to successfully comply with permits and waste acceptance criteria without incidents or fines. The Client has analytical data that permits them to make defensible and objective decisions on the extent of clean-up need thus avoiding potential rework or excessive clean-up costs. The Client has data providing their actions achieved targeted goals permitting them to achieve milestones and maximize fee earned. MCLinc has successfully provided support to all three of the Oak Ride DOE sites (ORNL, Y-12, and ETTP) for 15 years.